
Governance and Leadership


Ikon Institute of Australia is governed by committees, including the Board of Directors and Academic Board, which drive corporate and academic leadership.

For more information, refer to the Ikon Governance Guidelines.

For the Ikon Statement of Financial Standing, click here.

Corporate Governance

Academic Governance

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is the corporate governing body of Ikon Institute. They set our strategic direction, oversee operations, and ensure effective governance structures are in place. They are responsible for all our legal, regulatory, financial and social obligations. In addition, they establish policies for academic and operational activities and confer qualifications to candidates who have satisfied the requirements of an award. The Board also oversees educational policies that support participation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

CEO and Executive Management Team

The Board of Directors delegates responsibility to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the efficient day-to-day management of Ikon’s operations and implementation of the institution’s strategic plans. The CEO is supported by an Executive Management Team made up of experienced senior managers.

Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee is responsible for monitoring risk management across the Institute. The Committee ensures that the Executive Management Group assesses all identified risks and establishes a comprehensive risk management framework to address these risks. The Committee assists in developing and implementing this framework, assessing risks objectively, monitoring corporate activity, and providing recommendations to the Board on managing risk across the Institute.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee

The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee is responsible for monitoring the management of work health and safety risk across Ikon in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. The Committee is responsible for creating a safe and supportive environment for everyone at Ikon – students, staff and all people involved in our activities.

Academic Board

The Academic Board is the principal advisory body to the Board of Directors, providing leadership on academic matters including academic outcomes, policy and process, and academic standards. They also ensure the quality of teaching and learning activities. The Academic Board establishes academic committees as required to advise on various academic matters and implement initiatives.

Teaching and Learning Committee

The Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) is a standing committee of the Academic Board. This committee provides advice and recommendations on operational planning, policy and quality assurance of teaching and learning, assessment conduct, student experience, and curriculum delivery. The TLC also reviews reports from the Grade Review Committees and provides appropriate advice and recommendations as part of the Ikon governance and continuous improvement process.

Grade Review Committees

The Grade Review Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Board and reports to the Academic Board. There is one Grade Review Committee for each disciplinary School. Each Grade Review Committee monitors student assessments and grades every trimester to ensure fair, accurate and consistent learning outcomes are achieved.

Course Advisory Committees

The Course Advisory Committees are standing committees of the Academic Board. Each Course Advisory Committee is established by the Academic Board to provide advice on new course development and accreditation. The committee also contribute to the development of accredited courses in response to a comprehensive review.

Meet the Team

Board of Directors

Peter Mobbs – Chair
Professor Andrew Flitman – Independent Director, Chair of the Academic Board
Daniel Atkin – Independent Director, Chair of the Risk Management Committee
Adam Davis – Chief Executive Officer
Lyndon Catzel – Chief Financial Officer

Academic Board

Professor Andrew Flitman – Chair
Professor Debra Dunstan – Independent Member
Professor Alison Elliott – Independent Member
Dr Debbie Plath – Head of School, Human Services
Julie Michlmayr – Head of School, Education
Student Representative, School of Counselling
Student Representative, School of Education

Executive Management Team

Adam Davis – Chief Executive Officer
Lyndon Catzel – Chief Financial Officer
Dr Debbie Plath – Head of School, Human Services
Julie Michlmayr – Head of School, Education
Bavya Dharsheni – Head of People and Culture